CERN is the European laboratory for particle physics and one of the world’s leading scientific research laboratories. CERN's business is pure research - physicists and engineers use the world's largest and most complex scientific instruments to study Nature's tiniest building blocks, the fundamental particles, to find out how our world and the Universe work. 


We want to be open and accessible to all visitors, to ensure that the maximum number of people can enjoy the interactive exhibitions and activities on offer at Science Gateway and at CERN. Here you will find information about the accessibility of our facilities and who to contact if you need to know more. 

Accessible parking

A small number of accessible parking spaces are available for visitors who have a parking badge for people with disabilities . There is also a drop-off/pick-up point between the Reception building and the Auditorium. 

Families and individual visitors

Admission to CERN Science Gateway is free for everyone. 

Families, individual visitors and small groups (fewer than 12 people) can freely access our three interactive exhibitions, as well as science shows and films (subject to availability). In addition, you can sign up for guided tours and lab workshops on a first-come, first-served basis. On Sundays, guided tours and lab workshops are exclusively reserved for families, individual visitors and small groups.

Join and support

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Other disabilities

Guided tours

Some visit points on guided tours are not accessible to all visitors (people with reduced mobility, wearers of medical implants or pacemakers, people above or below a certain age, pregnant women, etc.).

Groups: after your visit request has been accepted, please make sure when providing visitor details that you tell us about any accessibility requirements of the members of your party. We will endeavour to accommodate your needs and suggest the most appropriate tour for you.