
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce ut varius metus, rhoncus suscipit elit. Cras pretium purus in placerat vestibulum. Duis consectetur leo id erat feugiat iaculis. Praesent vulputate mattis orci ac placerat. Sed nec efficitur dolor, sit amet pulvinar turpis. Fusce vel commodo tellus. Suspendisse orci lacus, malesuada et mollis ut, lobortis ut nibh.

Seize the data

Your name, address, age, favourite colour, favourite particle, the signal in a particle detector, the distance between two cars … What do these things have in common? They are all data – and there is a lot of that everywhere. A LOT! In this show we will take some of that data and try to make something nice out of it.

Journey through a detector

Particle physicists are almost like detectives without magnifying lenses and weird hats. Both rely on their deduction powers to find the culprit who left weird tracks. Which particle was it? Where did it come from? And, if no one really saw it, was it ever really there? On our Journey Through a Detector, we will explore the world of particle detectors by following particles through different detector layers and discovering how they help us see the invisible.

Mysteries of Matter

Come and marvel at simple and entertaining experiments, often bordering on the magical, which demonstrate different states of matter and magnetism in a fun way. Break a rubber tube with a hammer? Levitate a magnet? It's not magic, it's science!

Quantum World

Explore how the Universe works at tiny scales

We live in a Quantum World! Quantum physics explains why the sun shines. It allows us to make smartphones and to understand how plants grow. Yet, strange and wonderful quantum effects only occur at the tiny scales of particles… don’t they? In this interactive exhibition discover the world of particles as if you yourself were so tiny.

Our Universe

Back to the Big Bang: the journey your particles took on their way to becoming you

Take a journey back 13.8 billion years, to the very beginning of time. Discover how the Universe evolved to become what we see around us today. Try out the experiments to find out how scientists do their investigations. Are you ready to get transported through the different stages of the Universe? Design your own star and eject it out into space, play with the proton weighing scales and try your hand at trapping antimatter.